Authors Page, the Online Writer

Peruse poems by John B. Moss
  Title Date
The 4000th Soldier 03/23/08
5 Minute Exercise 01/18/93
A Father's Dream 08/02/01
A Sharing, Caring Love 03/25/98
Allegiance 06/04/93
Ambitious to a Fault 05/27/07
Beeline 06/17/99
But, Where Are We Now 05/22/93
Commercialized  03/27/14
Commitment 10/13/98
Corners   07/28/09
Dawn's Integrity 02/03/78
Depend On Change 11/09/04
Different Roads 09/04/97
E Squared 12/30/97
Enjoying Four Seasons? 01/07/07
Epitaph 07/11/42
Feeding the Muse   07/23/09
Finding Me  03/26/14
Fourth Thursday in November 11/25/04
Francis Ezra Moss 06/20/99
Galileo Lives 04/25/93
Improvement Program 10/01/97
Is Charity Selfish? 06/08/04
In War, Timing is Everything 12/21/04
Itt Became Himm 08/05/93
Last Time 04/22/03
Life's Covenant 11/22/05
A Life Worth Living 05/07/20
Limitations 06/25/15
Looking For Answers 11/22/97
Male Dream Thing 05/20/93
Maybe Not 11/26/96
Moon River 04/20/92
My Essence 05/28/06
A Most Significant Moment 01/03/06
Mother 11/22/05
Muse On The Web   07/24/09
Not Always Elevator Music 04/24/93
On Little Cat's Feet... 07/03/95
One Astrological Sign - read by author 04/25/93
The Open Highway   07/25/09
Patriot Days 06/21/99
Political Reality 10/12/05
Resolution Reality Check 12/25/04
Rice Bowl Haiku 05/25/03
September 08/15/99
Shopping 04/18/03
Six Years Ago 08/05/93
Success! 05/07/01
Sunrise 04/23/02
Tailor Made - Garment Torn 11/16/98
Technically Perfect 03/22/98
Thanking Joe Blow 05/27/04
The Changeling 08/10/98
The Fate of the Trophy Case 01/24/00
The Lesson Plan 04/30/93
The Passage of Time 02/12/98
The Winter of '04 - '05 12/21/04
Things That Go Bump in the Night 09/12/96
This Technology has been Disconnected 08/17/22
Thistle 05/03/03
Thought About Time 05/24/07
Time Dies 12/01/03
Tonight's Special 03/22/03
Top Secret! 01/31/98
Underlying Melody - read by author 03/13/92
Value Received for Value Given 06/06/93
Vantage 06/10/96
Washed-out Old Blue-eyes 06/11/93
Where You've Been   07/26/09
Wind Damage 07/28/07
Weekly Security 01/11/05
Whistle Stop - Banff 09/27/95
With Age, Comes.. 09/28/97
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Bio: My Essence (5/28/2006) was reformatted from
My Essence:

My passing is inevitable
The spirit that is me
The roads I've been
The things I've seen
I'll take them on with me.

While I'm here I've much to give
And share my life with you,
But pass away, as all who live,
Is something I must do.

The trick, my love, is to accept
Each day by day event as though
All meaning is so evident: that
Being gone is no great thing -
And having shared this time with you
Was in itself all that was meant
For me on earth to do.

John B. Moss

Peace doesn't just happen - it is sought out, negotiated, and can never be trusted to remain. Won't you help to keep it?


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Last updated on: 28 July 2009

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