Author Kingham Page, the Online Writer

Luke 2:19,35
Life is not kindly disposed
to pondering.
It is, rather, productivity of the crass
the circumventing of reflection
that is valued.

Crash courses a dime a dozen.

To ponder is to sieze the courage
to see between the lines and shapes
of words and pictures,
catch what lies behind the sigh
but, not jumping to conclusions,
weigh it,
handle it
like a balloon of glass freshly
lest the knowing and the touching
destroy it.

It is to trace links in the memory,
believe in intuition,
let truth be formed over sufficient time,
see patterns emerge as petals
clear and clean.

The anima ponders,
drawing together,
not engineering,
quietly receptive of Spirit hints,
nurturing cells of what might be,
given love.

Pondering is shedding tears
for the endless beauty
and the dark fissures
of the breaking.

Ross Kingham
© - 2000

Ross lives in Canberra, Australia. He is the director/administrator of Barnabas Ministries, Inc., which offers ministers of the Gospel a place to pause, refresh their perspective, and renew their acquaintance with God.


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