Author Kingham Page, the Online Writer

Matthew 4:1-11 '...and afterward, He was hungry'.
Better, perhaps, to be hungry
than not.
To grapple and be stretched
than to strut,
nourishing others,
in their hunger.

Better to fast than to be filled.
Oh! For the tough grace of desolation.

I don't want it,
or wilderness,
or devil, or wild beasts.
None of them.
Consoling friendship, music and beauty
for me.
But that which would devour
and destroy my soul
may be the strangely precious gift
for which I would crawl
the merciless expanse of broken glass
helped by desert angels.

Ross Kingham
© - 2000

Ross lives in Canberra, Australia. He is the director/administrator of Barnabas Ministries, Inc., which offers ministers of the Gospel a place to pause, refresh their perspective, and renew their acquaintance with God.


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Last updated on: 6 June 2007
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